Home Beauty and Appearance Zenith Labs Hair Revital X Review (Updated 2020) – Saying Goodbye To...

Zenith Labs Hair Revital X Review (Updated 2020) – Saying Goodbye To Worrisome Hair Loss?

Zenith Labs Hair Revital X helps in hair growth

Losing hair is a part of life, just like losing our skin cells. We tend to lose a lot of strands on average while our hair is growing out or just breaking off in small amounts. However, too many people these days are losing hair at quite an alarming rate.

Excessive hair fall may be caused by a poor or changed diet, childbirth, aging, air pollution, or several other factors that change the body’s chemistry for the worst. When our hair starts coming out in clumps and gets visibly thin within a short period of time, it’s definitely a cause for worry. Other than the health factor, hair loss can lead to the following:

– Low self-esteem

– Low confidence

– Reduced satisfaction in our physical appearance

– Higher levels of stress

Of course, there are several medicines, supplements, and even home treatments for preventing hair loss and even getting the lost hair to grow back. These may be effective up to a certain extent, but may not work or even be safe for everyone. Synthetic products are especially risky, containing harmful chemicals that could actually destroy what’s left of our hair.

While natural remedies are miles better than the synthetic stuff, they may not be effective or take too long to produce results. Luckily, though, there is now a naturally-sourced supplement known as the Hair Revital X System, which just may be the answer to our hair loss dilemma!

Zenith Labs Hair Revital X System Review

About the Hair Revital X System

The Hair Revital X is not just an oral supplement, but also comes in to form of a topical spray. By working both on the inside of our bodies and our actual hair, this regime could work wonders in no time! When taken regularly and according to the recommended dosage, Hair Revital X could stimulate our follicle growth and even trigger the regrowth of healthy, lustrous hair.

How the Hair Revital X System Works

This formula works by making sure our bodies get a healthy and pure amount of Saw Palmetto extract every single day. Research has shown that this ingredient could highly stimulate the growth cycle of our hair.

The system for Hair Revital X also works by balancing the DHT levels in our bodies. This is also known as the hair-loss hormone. By stabilizing and controlling this element, Hair Revital X makes sure that we don’t lose any more hair than is normal. This way, we can be more confident of our hair remaining as thick as it was in the prime of our youth.

In fact, the balancing of hormones could also lead to thinning hair and receding hairlines getting back to their original state. All the hair grafting and toupees in the world couldn’t compare to this phenomenon!

The great part about this process is that it works through making our hair cells and follicles healthy and able to withstand outside elements. This way, even if we live in a polluted area or have to follow a strict diet, we may be sure of having limited hair fall.


Hair Revital X Ingredients

In order to make a more informed decision about making Hair Revital X part of our daily routine, we should read up on what goes into it. Fortunately, the official website for this system extensively lists the ingredients that go into it.

Hair Revital X is made up of all-natiral ingredients that aim to restore hair growth
Hair Revital X – Supplement Facts

In addition to the main ingredient, there are also 4 ingredient blends that make the Hair Revital X so effective and lasting. We’ll be looking at the ingredient blends and the main component below and considering their efficacy in a hair growth supplement:

– Saw Palmetto

As mentioned before, Saw Palmetto is the main ingredient that Hair Revital X uses to turn on our hair growth system. This ingredient is related to palm trees and has been extensively used in beautification processes for the Seminole Indians. This ingredient is hence nothing new, but a centuries-old hair enhancer. It’s not just traditional medicine that supports this element; many medical studies have also shown how useful Saw Palmetto is in balancing our DHT levels. It thus makes a lot of sense for this ingredient to be used in a supplement for protecting us against hair fall and stimulating hair growth.

– An Anti-Genetics Blend

Thinning hair, baldness, and other hair issues could be genetic. If this is the case, many conventional medicines probably won’t work to make our hair stay put. However, with the blend of anti-genetics in the Hair Revital X System, we can look forward to having our genetic drawbacks reversed! These ingredients would be useful in freeing up our follicles, lowering our DHT levels, and hence giving us a better and stronger head of hair than our whole family tree ever dreamed of!

The Anti-Genetics Blend consists of nettle leaf extract, L- Methionine, and Pygeum Bark Extract in the capsule. In the topical spray, this blend consists of rosemary and Carthamus thistle extract.

– A Regrowth Extender Blend

The shedding of hair from follicles is an eventuality that’s part of our hair regrowth cycle. When hair growth is affected, however, the falling out is not followed by regrowth. The first two components discussed above serve to jumpstart our hair growth cycle, but we need some added help in order to make our lazy follicle regrow the hair that they’ve lost. The Regrowth Extender Blend helps make this happen.

In the capsule, this blend consists of phytosterols, which is a sunflower seed compounds, pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5, zinc, and Palmitate, an important strain of Vitamin A. The topical spray gives a similar effect with Asian pennywort or Centella, plus a parley or chamomile compound called apigenin. These ingredients are well known for their role in growing thicker, stronger hair in future growth cycles.

– A Healthy Hair Blend

If our hair grows back or stops falling out, we also want it to be thick, strong, healthy, and shiny. Thin, brittle, and graying hair would only make the situation worse. This why a Healthy Hair Blend is included in this system.

The blend consists of an amino acid called L-Cysteine, Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate or Vitamin B6, folic acid, and a dose of biotin in the capsule. For the spray, this blend consists of another amino acid called Tri-Peptide 1, along with Panax ginseng.

– A Deep Absorption Blend

This is a blend that’s only put inside the Hair Revital X topical spray. With regular use, this would help the rest of the blended ingredients absorb into our hair follicles and create a visible difference. This blend consists of three ingredients that are familiar within the health community for absorption assistance.

Hair Revital X comes in a topical solution that is massaged on to the scalp daily
Hair Revital X – Topical Solution

The ingredients here are Butylene Glycol, which is found in natural fruit and vegetable sugars; Lecithin, which is a thickening agent sourced from the yolks of eggs; and Capsaicin, a stimulator of the nerves that’s sourced from red peppers.

>> Read More About the Amazing Hair Properties Of These Ingredients Here <<

Method of Using Hair Revital X

The Hair Revital X system consists of a capsule and a topical spray. All we have to do is consume two capsules every day. The spray is to be used daily as well; a thin layer of it on the affected scalp areas would do.

We should find that the spray absorbs easily and directly into our scalp. Our body should also be absorbing the capsules without any fuss. It may take many weeks for the results to become apparent. When they do, we’d find ourselves feeling much better in many ways! If we still don’t feel any different for a long period of time, we may have to return the product. Since there’s a money-back guarantee, this isn’t much of an issue.

Conclusion – Is Hair Revital X Worth It?

The ingredients and working of the Hair Revital System is definitely something worth trying out. With the risk-free policy and amazing research behind it all, it’s high time we rushed to the site and place an order for ourselves and any fellow sufferers!

 >> Click Here To Buy Hair Revital X at a Special Discounted Price <<

Date Last Updated: 5th May, 2020

Disclaimer*: The individual results may vary. None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please refer to your physician in detail before you consume any of the supplements, Since the post contains affiliate links, the owner will receive a compensation on every sale made. These views written here are ours, and are not in any way, represent those of Zenith Labs