Home Eye Care Vision Support Plus Trial Review 2020 – A Vision Support Formula by...

Vision Support Plus Trial Review 2020 – A Vision Support Formula by Cambridge Nutritionals

Vision Support Plus Trial is a eyecare supplement

                                        VISION SUPPORT PLUS REVIEW

One of the most developed senses bestowed to us by Mother Nature—the sense of sight opens up the whole world to us. With our eyes, we perform our daily activities and appreciate the beauty around us. It is extremely hard to imagine life without vision. With the use of modern technology on the rise and due to certain ailments, our eyes are in continuous strain. Resultantly our vision is constantly at a risk of damage and depreciation. Vision Support Plus by Cambridge Nutritionals is a special nutritional supplement that tends to support eye health and protect vision. The use of beneficial ingredients in this supplement ensures that the sense of sight stays secured throughout your life.

How important are our eyes?


Our eyes are windows to our body. Eyes are very delicate yet complex organs that allow vision by reacting to light. The optic nerve also known as the cranial nerve situated at the back of the eye moves visual data from the retina to the cerebrum through electrical impulses. It is made up of nerve cells and contains over one million nerve fibers. Caring for your optic nerve and your eyes ensures that your vision stays intact and you will be guarded against problems like poor night vision, glaucoma, cataract etc. With supplements like Vision Support Plus, you can get the much needed support to protect your vision, improve the eye function and support ocular circulation.

What makes Vision Support Plus work? 

A perfect combination of omega fatty acids, antioxidants and beneficial nutrients makes this supplement the best choice available for eye health. Backed by years of research and study by specialists and the experience of Cambridge Nutritionals, Vision Support Plus is definitely the key towards better vision!

>> TRIAL OFFER – Try Vision Support Plus Right Now! <<

Astaxanthin— The best carotenoid available, Astaxanthin provides strong support for eye care. Naturally found in marine life like plankton, algae, sea food etc. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that works against damaging free radicals. It also has an amazing ability to cross the blood brain/eye barrier. Similar to the eye, it is a lipid soluble that penetrates very easily to provide protection against further damage.


Gingko Biloba— A tree native to China, the leaves and seeds of Ginkgo Biloba are often used in medicine due to their multiple health benefits. Gingko supplements are advised to maintain brain focus and blood circulation. Ginkgo extract has many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has also proved that gingko extract has a positive impact on age related macular degeneration. It also enhances increased blood flow to eyes.

Bilberry—A plant often used to treat poor circulation of blood. Historically bilberry jam was given to pilots to enhance night vision during World War II. It is also used to treat disorders of the retina, glaucoma and cataract and near sightedness.


Omega-3 Fatty acids— Found in plants and marine life, omega 3 fatty acids are very popular in treating vision and eye disorders like macular degeneration, low levels of DHA and EPA, dry eye caused by wearing contact lenses and diabetic retinotherapy. It also plays a major role in cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems.

Lutein & Zeaxanthin—Found in abundance in eggs and green leafy vegetables, Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two important nutrients that can be used to reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases. Recent researches have confirmed the fact that such nutrients when taken regularly can help in overcoming the waste byproducts of cellular metabolism.

Zinc— An essential mineral for the general well being, Zinc also plays an important role in transferring Vitamin A from the liver to the retina and produce melanin, which is a protective pigment in the eyes. Zinc is found in abundance in the eye, mostly in the choroid and the retina.

An additional Supplement!

Vision Support Plus is an advanced nutritional formula aimed at better and optimal eye care. But along with this another supplement is provided that not only has health benefits of its own but also supports and enhances the function of Vision Support Plus. Ubiquinol is another supplement provided with Vision Support Plus.


Derived from Co-enzyme Q10, Ubiquinol is widely used for heart related diseases, Parkinson’s disease, gum problems and migraines. Apart from its other healing properties, Ubiquinol is lipid soluble which helps it to protect mitochondrial membrane proteins and DNA from oxidative damage. As the years pass by, CoQ10 levels in plasma start depreciating. And especially in those individuals who suffer from diabetes, heart conditions and cancer, these levels tend to decrease rapidly. Clinical studies support the fact that regular dosages of CoQ10 combined with other nutrients can help patients recover from eye diseases. And considering the powerful antioxidants and oxidative properties of C0Q10, this supplement along with Vision Support Plus can do wonders for you!

How to use and where to order?

These two supplements are a perfect duo that can benefit you beyond doubt. Two capsules of Vision Support Plus along with meals and two capsules of Ubiquinol 20-30 minutes before meals with 8oz of water is more than enough to ensure better vision and eye care. A word of caution is only for those who are under continuous medication. Doctor’s advice is necessary for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Once you have decided that these supplements are what you need, the next step is extremely easy. You can order directly from the official website of Cambridge Nutritionals by filling in a simple form. A 30-day supply of Vision Support Plus will cost you $79.95. With Ubiquinol, it costs $49.98 and if you buy one, you get one bottle free. There is one special offer available too….You can order a two week trial offer of Vision Support Plus and only pay the shipping and handling charges i.e. $ 6.95. And if you are not satisfied with the results, you can always demand a refund within three months.

The Final Word

Having a good eyesight is definitely a blessing. Adding certain nutrients to your everyday diet, either through meals or supplements; can help you save your vision and hence your life. The perfect combination of Vision Support Plus and Ubiquinol can help you obtain the optimal health and protection for your eyes and vision. 

>> TRIAL OFFER – Try Vision Support Plus Right Now! <<