Home Blood Sugar Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy Review – A Punch to Diabetes?

Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy Review – A Punch to Diabetes?


Diabetes, which has to do with blood sugar problems, is a dangerous illness. We may have laughed it off in earlier years, berating those who were diagnosed with it. Since it is commonly linked with obesity and overdosing on unhealthy foods, some may think of it as just a diet restriction.

Now we know that diabetes can have very, very serious consequences and can cause miscarriages, paralysis, dissolving of muscle, and even death. What’s even scarier is that younger and younger individuals are being diagnosed with it every day.

When one is diagnosed with diabetes, they are usually given several drugs to keep the disease ‘in check’. However, these drugs usually cause many more side effects that could harm several areas of the body. Plus, prescriptions and diagnosis for diabetes may actually be designed to keep one on drugs forever.

Alternative to Conventional Meds

You may have noticed that very rarely do doctors advise their patients to go off their meds. Even if the symptoms of a disease abate, you almost never hear the words ‘you should stop taking your meds now’.

Ever wondered why this is so? Even a broken bone mends eventually, and may soon be as good as new. So why is it that people taking diabetes meds seem to only get worse, not better?

Instead of being led on a wild-goose chase, there is now an alternative we might consider. This is a natural blood sugar lowering system that has prevented diabetes for many, many individuals and is called the Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about the Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol, its features, benefits, and what makes it unique.

About the Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol

Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol is a complete diet, lifestyle plan, and a general hack one can use to lower blood sugar level and keep it in check. What’s more, it can also help out with heart problems, cholesterol, inflammation, weight loss, and generally help you lead a healthier life! The Vedda Protocol is estimated to work in around a month, give or take a few days. No insulin shots, no meds. And what’s maybe best of all, no tedious restrictions on your diet!

Another huge advantage of the Vedda Protocol is that you may partake of it while sitting at home. Plus, it uses easily-found and inexpensive ingredients that you can easily find and buy yourself. So, if one is suffering from diabetes, or is even pre-diabetic, they should definitely consider it.

About the Founder

While the Vedda Protocol is technically from a Sri Lankan tribe, the person who is distributing it for the modern work is called Michael Dempsey. Michael had a terrible time in the past when his wife was paralyzed and pronounced to be in danger due to her high blood sugar level. This was despite regularly taking the prescribed medicines for a long, long time. She was also less than 40 years of age, and was indulging in a lot of exercise when she was diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes.

Like every other diabetic patient, Michael’s wife Rachel started losing her energy, stability, health and much more. After years of taking meds to control the situation, she was also diagnosed with high blood pressure and cholesterol. What did the doctors prescribe? More meds!

The side effects of this medicine burden were more than her nerves could take. She finally collapsed due to the thickness of her blood and a hundred other problems.

After this scare, Michael began researching and finding out natural ways to control his wife diabetes. He forsook the meds, drugs, and shots because all the major problems had started when his wife started taking them almost a decade before.

The Vedda Tribe

Finally, Michael met a man who was from the Vedda tribe in the remote areas of Sri Lanka. These people, each and every one of them, were slim, healthy, and active, even when they grew to a ripe old age of 80 or above. University researchers who studied these people concluded that the Vedda actually had very little chance of ever developing diabetes.

The big reason was the food they ate, the recipes they followed, and coconut oil. The last aspect is quite important.

Why Coconut Oil is The Main Component of the Vedda Remedy?

Many naturalists recommend coconut oil as a way of managing blood sugar as well as a host of other problems. One major action of this substance is to lower the glycemic index (GI) of whatever you eat. This makes sure that the digestion of all your meals gives you a reliable and healthy flow of energy.

So, when you consume carbs, which are usually a danger zone for diabetics, the coconut oil causes them to be broken down slowly. This regulates blood sugar levels even after you’re done eating. It thus also protects against insulin resistance.

Studies have also shown that when countries like India abandoned the tradition of using coconut oil for cooking, their diabetes rates went sky-high. Of course, since a lot of people consume coconut oil but are still in danger of diabetes, there are other ingredients involved in the Vedda Protocol.

Other Natural Ingredients

A common household spice is also one of the substances that reduce fasting blood glucose levels by almost a third. It can thus prevent the body from becoming unable to manage insulin. As a bonus, it may even reverse diabetes.

There is also an herb in the Vedda recipes that can make fasting sugar level go down by about a quarter. What’s more, it may also reduce the bad kind of cholesterol by a third.

There are several other natural ingredients that lower insulin resistance, increase insulin-producing cells, and lower blood glucose levels to a healthy level.

These ingredients have been studied in several universities, research labs, and other places. Yet their information was never made public. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that medications and pharmaceutical products are a billion-dollar industry. All that would come crashing down if these ingredients’ effectiveness was to be revealed.

With the proper combinations and recipes, these ingredients could deliver a powerful blow to harmful diseases that plague our lives now. The Vedda Protocol is based on the meals which use these ingredients.

Benefits of the Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol

When Michael’s wife responded well to the treatments, he started proving this method by collecting a large group of people to try it out. The participants in this experiment not only lost weight and got their diabetes under control, but also found their blood pressure, triglycerides, nerve damage, and cholesterol levels moving towards healthy levels.

So, it is wise to try the Vedda Protocol before any one of the rehabilitating effect of diabetes occurs. If diabetes isn’t kicked to the curb quickly, it could lead to a whole host of other problems, including kidney failure, limb amputation, and strokes.

The Vedda Protocol – What’s Inside?

There are not just recipes, but several guides that we get when we order the Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol. And remember, the recipes are specially formulated to be seven times stronger than the ones originally followed by the Vedda tribe. We sure need that power in order to combat all the junk we consume in these modern times!

Here’s a brief description of what this program contains,

  1. The main Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy book, with the promised recipes and ingredients. A short trip to the grocery store is all that’s needed to get going with this. Plus, you get clinical studies proving the effectiveness of the Vedda Protocol.
  2. The 30-day Blood Sugar Protocol which is a thorough one-month meal plan designed for reversing the type-2 diabetes.
  3. The users will learn the amounts and combinations of ingredients that they can mix into their regular meals to bring their blood sugar levels under control and transform their health for the better.

Vedda Protocol – Bonus Materials

If the users decide to purchase the whole program right away, they will be entitled for free bonus materials that are loaded with helpful information and tried and tested tips and techniques. These bonus guides include,

  • Blood Sugar Lowering Smoothies Recipes – The users will discover yummy smoothie recipes that are easy-to-prepare and will provide a vast range of health benefits to them.Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol comes with bonus guides consisting of smoothie recipes and sleeping techniques to reverse diabetes
  • The Better Sleep Guide – Lack of sleep can have a devastating effect on a human body and on the blood sugar level. Hence, in this guide the users will learn how to boost their melatonin levels – a hormone responsible for sleep while relaxing their minds and reducing stress and tension. They will also be required to indulge in quick pre-sleep relaxation techniques that will help them pass out in just a few seconds. Three unique yet effective herbal remedies to induce a peaceful night sleep are also discussed in the guide.

Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol – Pricing

On average, a diabetes patient would spend $283,000 on conventional meds in their lifetime. In contrast, whatever we pay once for the Vedda Remedy would hopefully give us enough to live a healthy and happy life.

For now, there’s a limited offer on the Vedda Protocol. It’s for $37, and there’s a money back guarantee for a whole of two months. If you’re not satisfied with the results, for any reason whatsoever, simply drop an email at support@bpsecret.com and you get your money back. You even get to keep all the guides you got!

Final Verdict – Should You Try It?

There are several advantages to trying out the Vedda Blood Sugar program. While the idea of a remote Sri Lankan tribe may raise some eyebrows, there’s no denying that conventional medications are simply not cutting it for most diabetics. Hence, there should be no harm in trying out a natural system of eating and meal planning. Since there is a money back guarantee, even the tiny amount we invest is not at risk. Hence, one may safely say that the Vedda Blood Sugar Protocol is a reasonable investment that may give great benefits to diabetics as well as the general masses.