Home Fitness PuraThrive’s Keto Balance Review 2020 – The Liposomal Supplement For Ketosis?

PuraThrive’s Keto Balance Review 2020 – The Liposomal Supplement For Ketosis?

PuraThrive Keto Balance helps in ketosis

The ketogenic diet may be one of the most popular ones these days, but it’s also among the least sustainable and most difficult ones. In fact, one survey has just put the keto diet as the least recommended one for long-term weight loss and lifestyle change.

Since keto experts and enthusiasts don’t really recommend following the keto diet for more than a few months, the long-term effect doesn’t really apply here. However, this still leaves the fact that keto is a lifestyle change that demands a rigorous eating routine and leaves very little wiggle room for cheating.

The Way of Keto

What we’re basically trying to do in the keto diet is to deprive the body of glucose. Since carbs and sugar content are the main sources of glucose, they’re basically keto’s enemy. What we want is for the body to switch to burning fat as a source of fuel instead of glucose. This is achieved when the body reaches ketosis, a situation where the liver starts producing ketones.

This state of ketosis is naturally a coveted one, since it results in high fat burning levels, rapid weight loss, and a host of related benefits. However, one bite of carbs more than the daily amount or one taste of that evil sugar, and we can knock our body out of ketosis. This undoes all our hard work and starts the struggle all over again.

The Keto Balance

With technology advancing at such a rapid pace, it’s only to be expected that we get some outside help in achieving ketosis other than simply through strict diet control. After all, counting macros and carbs every single day isn’t really possible for everyone.

This is where we turn to the Keto Balance for help. Ketosis would help gain a lot of benefits, and we want to get into it as soon as possible. The supplement itself is called the Micelle Liposomal supplement and could greatly help us reach the ideal weight for our health.

About The Company

The company behind the Keto Balance is called PuraThrive. While this supplement is a new entry in the market, we know this company and what it stands for. They’re famous for supplying the products many people need for obtaining a healthy lifestyle.

What’s more, PuraThrive focuses on using gluten-free organic ingredients in order to cater to just about every dietary lifestyle. They offer a money-back guarantee on almost every product available on their website. This is how we know that this company has confidence in their stock and wants to have the highest level of customer satisfaction and loyalty possible.

Benefits of Ketosis

Why do we need to achieve ketosis and stay in it? The benefits outlined below could help us understand just what this state gives us:

  • Suppressed appetite, allowing us to avoid binge-eating and giving in to cravings
  • Burning unwanted and excess fat for energy, resulting in a slim body very quickly
  • Heightened energy to get work done
  • Stabilized blood sugar levels
  • Enhances focus and concentration power
  • Reduces bloating and inflammation in the body
  • Controls high levels of cholesterol

>> Read More About The Amazing Health Benefits of Ketosis Here <<

How the Keto Balance Works

The Keto Balance supplement can help us get into ketosis, but only if we continue to follow a very low-carb diet at the same time. The working of this supplement itself depends on the medium chain triglycerides it uses.

These triglycerides are a way of encouraging our bodies to produce ketones. When this occurs, the fat starts breaking down and getting used for our energy.

There are also more ingredients that would help us achieve ketosis without the usual side effects that come from following keto through diet alone. These problematic side effects include:

  • The flu-like symptoms that last for the first two weeks of following keto (also known as the keto fly)
  • Moodiness, crankiness, and mood swings that make it difficult to work or concentrate
  • Feelings of weakness, dizziness
  • Intense cravings that threaten to knock us off our diet
  • Even more harmful inflammation before out body goes into ketosis

The Ingredients of the Keto Balance

Since we want to achieve ketosis without the annoying and uncomfortable side effects, we should definitely consider the Keto Balance. However, we should know what ingredients it contains in addition to the triglycerides mentioned above. We may then conduct our own research and determine whether this supplement is worth working into our diet and routine or not.

We’ll be listing and discussing the Keto Balance ingredients below. These are gluten-free, dairy-free, and as pure as possible:

  • MCT oil sourced from coconuts grown in a sustainable manner. This is the source of the triglycerides that prevent s a number of issues, including schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, and depression
  • Glycerin of the organic kind
  • Isolated and concentrated whey protein
  • Purified and distilled water
  • Vitamin E
  • Chocolate flavor of the natural kind
  • Beef collagen (grass-fed to avoid any hormones)
  • Sunflower oil (non-GMO) containing Phosphatidylcholine
  • DHA Omega 3 Vegetarian algal oil
  • Potassium Bicarbonate

As we can see, these ingredients are all essential to a keto diet and just might be of help in getting us towards the ketosis state in a faster and well-balanced manner. The fact that they are gluten and dairy free means that PCOS patients and those with celiac disease can take the Keto Balance easily.

>> Read Amazing Health Benefits About the Keto Balance Here <<

The Ups and Downs

The benefits of the Keto Balance are obvious to us. However, it does make sense to see them all written down in one place. At the same time, we should take a look at any possible negatives in order to have an unbiased view of this supplement and what it offers:


  • Easy to take capsules
  • Contains effective and beneficial components
  • Could prevent keto flu
  • Paves the way to quick ketosis
  • Money-back guarantee after 60 days
  • No dairy or gluten
  • Company is trusted and known


  • Price maybe a bit steep for middle-income families

Side Effects 

There have been no reported side effects as of yet. Keto Balance is gluten free and does not contain GMO, MSG, dairy, wheat, soy, yeast, lactose or milk.

Money Back Guarantee

Keto Balance is full backed by a rock-solid money back guarantee, and so the users can file for a full refund if they don’t see desired results.

Conclusion – Is The Keto Balance Worth it?

We’ve probably all seen the amazing results people seem to have by following keto for just a few months. This difficult diet sure does give some great benefits, but it may be too hard for us to accomplish on our own. If the Keto Balance can help us get to ketosis and stay there until our health and weight are at an optimal level, we’d be over the moon.

There’s also nothing to lose from ordering the Keto Balance, even if it is a little pricey. We can simply buy some ketone testing strips and check whether we get into ketosis within the first 60 days of this supplement and a low-carb diet. In case it doesn’t work out for us, the refund is always there. We should hence place an order now and look forward to our ketosis!

>> Click Here To Buy The Keto Balance at a Discounted Price Right Now <<