Home Anti-Aging Zenith Labs Lysine 7 Review —Promoting Gut Health and Immunity?

Zenith Labs Lysine 7 Review —Promoting Gut Health and Immunity?


Zenith Labs Lysine 7

With the modern world being full of pollutants, chemicals, and toxins, none of us can feel really safe from poor health. Even if we take good care of ourselves and our bodies, there’s always the chance of some ugly disease rearing its head and ruining our lives.

Just a few examples of such diseases are cancer, herpes, viruses, etc. Since many of us cannot hope to lead a good life in a quarantined state, it’s high time we started taking steps to boost our immune system. With this in mind, we would do well to consider L-Lysine. More specifically, we should start thinking about taking this supplement in the form of Zenith Labs Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support. In order to inform ourselves more about this offering, we’ll be taking a closer look at it below:

About the Zenith Labs Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support

The Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support is a formula supplement that’s focused on enhancing our immune system. Once this is accomplished, the user would hopefully be less vulnerable to viral outbreaks, the frequency of these outbreaks, and other diseases that previously plagued them.

This supplement is mostly targeted towards those who have ever faced the issue of herpes in their lifetime. This is a viral disease that could make anyone feel unloved, unwanted, and tainted. It’s also impossible to get rid of completely, but may very well be controlled by supplements like the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support.

How the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support Works

The Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support is effective mainly because of the high concentration of L-Lysine in it. However, it takes things a bit further than that. While we may find this nutrient in several other supplements, the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support is the only one to contain other select ingredients. These ingredients have been chosen with care and attention, ten precisely blended to make the most of L-Lysine’s benefit on our bodies.

With such a supportive formula, we don’t have to worry about the L-Lysine passing through our bodies without any effect. We can easily take these capsules and be assured that it’s been specially formulated to release its benefits in the most effective manner possible.

Lysine 7 – Ingredients

Lysine 7 is a proprietary blend of the following potent ingredients that work to build a strengthened immune defense. These are,

– Immune Power Blend

Immune Power Blend contains Astralagus Root that aims accelerate the creation of protective cytokines in the immune system. It also contains Vitamin C, to further improve the immune system.

– Anti-Replication Blend

The Anti-Replication Blend consists of Licorice Root, and Oregon Grape Root. They work together to reduce the replication, and spreading of viruses in the body.

– Cell-Shield Blend

The Cell-Shield Blend contains Zinc, Lemon Balm, and Reishi Mushroom. They collectively work together to bolster the cell wall keeping the viruses at bay. In this way, the body is protected from breakouts, acne, pains, rashes, and sores.

How to Take the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support

Fortunately, the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support is available in capsules. This makes it a highly convenient and easy supplement to take. We can even slip the bottle into a purse or pocket if we want to take the capsules later in the day. This form is also very easy to sort into daily medicine compartments.

Once these capsules get into our system, thy work on building up our immune system, block the replication of viruses and protect healthy cells from viral attack. This threefold attack would make sure that the viruses don’t get a chance to take over the body for long. In fact, it may even mean that virus cells don’t come back for another attack at all.

Advantages of the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support

  •    Before placing an order for any supplement, we should take an extensive look at what it has to offer. To this end, one must consider the following advantages of the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support:
  •    Lysine 7 has been formulated with the highest available quality of L-Lysine, including three more ingredient blends for immune health.
  •    The supplement is in capsule form, making it easy and convenient to take. Powder and liquid forms are much harder to measure out and also cause a risk of spills.
  •    The capsules in each Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support batch are tested at an MSF-certified sanitation facility. We may hence be sure that they’re of high quality, contain a proper and safe dosage, and have pure content.
  •    After taking the capsules on a regular basis, we may look forward to a lesser intensity and frequency of viral outbreaks.
  •    We may also expect to feel less sick, fatigued, and experience fewer body aches
  •    One can be relieved from worrying about their love life with herpes held at bay through L-Lysine
  •    A highly positive psychological effect that can lead to more productivity, less depression, and an overall better quality of life.

Lysine 7 – Recommended Dosage

In order to get the full benefit of Lysine 7, it’s recommended that we take two capsules a day. It might be better to take one in the morning and one in the evening so that its effects remain in the body all day and all night. We can take the capsules with or without meals.

Once we take the capsules, we can relax and allow them to work on our systems from the inside out. There’s no aftertaste to worry about either.

Buying the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support

The Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support supplement comes in bottles, with each bottle containing a 30-day supply. We can purchase an individual bottle, three bottles in one purchase, or 6 bottles in one go.  This would depend upon our requirements as well as how much the supplement has benefited us in the past.

Buying this supplement in bulk seems to be the most cost-effective and logical option, though. This is because the bulk deals cost much less per bottle than buying individual units. It’s hence recommended that we purchase this stock in bulk. It would not just save money, but also enable us to stock up on the capsules in case they run short. This way, we’d also be able to buy the Lysine 7 Surface Immune Support for our family and friends.

Conclusion – Is Lysine 7 Worth It?

The makers and vendors of Lysine 7 seem to be very well informed about how viruses work. They have hence formulated a supplement that could fight against these pesky invaders at all levels. With this research and care behind the capsules, it’s absolutely worth giving them a shot! Since sticks would only last for a short time, it’s essential that we get to the official website and place an order in next to no time!

Date Last Updated: 11th April, 2020

Disclaimer*: The individual results may vary. None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please refer to your physician in detail before you consume any of the supplements, Since the post contains affiliate links, the owner will receive a compensation on every sale made. These views written here are ours, and are not in any way, represent those of Zenith Labs.