Home Fitness EpiShield Plus (Simple Promise) Reviews 2023 – How Does EpiShield Plus Work?

EpiShield Plus (Simple Promise) Reviews 2023 – How Does EpiShield Plus Work?

EpiShield Plus fortifies the immune response

                                             THE EPISHIELD PLUS REVIEW

Health has always been the top priority in everyday life. And with the ongoing environmental hazards, stressful life schedules, lack of physical activity and poor living conditions, health has been one of the most affected targets. And as the years pass by, people are more prone to infections and diseases because the immune system is getting weaker. In such a dark scenario, EpiShield Plus is your ray of hope. It is an amazing immune-supporting supplement that strengthens your immunity building blocks and brings back health and vitality.

The first line of defense!

The human body is a miracle in itself. The natural ability of the human body to combat infections and diseases is a marvelous phenomenon. Almost 70% of the body’s immune system lies in the gut area. What we eat, what we absorb as nutrients and how the digestive system operates ensure how strong or weak the immune system can be. With the passage of time and constant wear and tear, the gut lining gets weak.

The digestive tract and other mucosal surfaces (respiratory, urogenital and gastrointestinal tracts) are lined with special anti bodies called Secretory Immunoglobulin A (S IgA). These have special role to play in the immune defense against bacterial and viral attack to epithelial cells. IgA also eliminates the pathogens and neutralizes the bacterial toxins and virus. 

How can EpiShield Plus help? 

EpiShield Plus– with a combination of the best natural ingredients works as a booster to the strength of the IgA levels and enhances a supportive gut barrier. The use of the unique formula of natural yeast called Sacchoromyces cerevisiae (Immunity Yeast) in EpiShield Plus provides the best support to IgA and keeps the natural killer cells healthy. Regular use of EpiShield Plus shows visible improvement in respiratory as well as sinus health. No more runny nose or watery eyes or troubled breathing – EpiShield Plus is the perfect shield against all regular and seasonal infections.

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What makes EpiShield Plus work?

EpiShield Plus uses the benefits of the 400 years old “Immunity yeast” to strengthen the immune system. This Immunity Yeast goes through fermentation and a drying process. It acts as a multi-vitamin for the immune system. The most reliable and single source of Immunity Yeast is “Epicor”.

Epicor—Epicor is made up of a number of compounds and metabolites that collectively balance the immune response in the body.  Backed by scientific research, Epicor has proven to work in a very unique and effective manner. It strengthens the natural defense of the body, benefits the good bacteria in the digestive tract and balances the immunity in such a way that it can respond appropriately at the time of need.


Epicor (the chief ingredient in Epishield plus) is combined with other compounds to give it more power to combat the internal and external invaders. These include:

Shiitake Mushrooms—Shiitake Mushrooms are a power house of vitamins and minerals. Mostly grown in Japan, United States, Canada and China, these brown capped mushrooms are used around the globe for food and supplements. The polysaccharides in these mushrooms have a very positive impact on the weakened immune system. It also enhances heart health and has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

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Cordyceps Sinesis Powder— Cordyceps has amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant features that not only empower the gut lining but also improve the general well being. 

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Maitake and Chaga Mushrooms— The health benefits of these mushrooms have been known for centuries. These are rich in proteins that stimulate the white blood cells to fight against infections and viruses. Chaga extracts also reduce inflammations and gut damage with the help of cytokines. 

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Epishield plus is further boosted by the power of Vitamin C, D, Cellulose and Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.

How to Use EpiShield Plus?

Epishield Plus is backed by years of scientific research and study. The ingredients used have natural health benefits of their own and are safe and risk free. A daily dose of two capsules, one before each meal is recommended for people in the age of 40 and above. Regular dosage of EpiShield Plus shows better results. So it is available in various deals and best discounted prices.  

                     ◦ 1 Month Supply-$49/bottle

                      ◦3 Months Supply-$39/bottle

                      ◦6 Months Supply-$31/bottle

EpiShield Plus is ideal for anyone who wants to have a strong defense against bacterial and viral attacks. And the manufacturers are so confident of its effectiveness that they are offering a 100% money back guarantee that will be valid for a full whole year! What more can one asks for! The only caution is recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers or for patients who already suffer from an ailment of some kind.                     

Multiple Benefits of EpiShield Plus

● The use of the most amazing ingredients gives it the major strength to boost the immune system. It is free of any harmful chemicals and preservatives.

● It is a 15-second, easy to use supplement that starts working within two hours of its intake.

● It not only increases the IgA level in the body and repairs the gut lining, but also prevents any further damage. It strengthens the natural body immunity to fight seasonal threats.

● Backed by years of research, this supplement can be used by men and women of medium and old age. It is safe and risk free with minimal side effects.

● It improves the functions of the digestive and respiratory system in the body. Plus the ingredients also have a positive impact on the heart health.

The Final Word

A strong immune system is the key to a happy, healthy and active life. And EpiShield Plus is the only way your immunity can stay strong against these infectious surroundings. Protect yourself by getting help from EpiShield Plus and bring back the energetic lifestyle from yesteryears. 

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